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TAPESTRIES (Macmillan Connections Reading Program - Level 12)

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TAPESTRIES (Macmillan Connections Reading Program - Level 12)

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TAPESTRIES (Macmillan Connections Reading Program - Level 12)


vypredaná TAPESTRIES (Macmillan Connections Reading Program - Level 12)
Anglická čítanka pre základné školy. Čítanie pre zdokonalovanie angličtiny plné príbehov a jazykových aktivít. »
Autor: Arnold Virginia, Carl Smith, James Flood, Diane Lapp • Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989
Vydanie:   Náklad:  
Počet strán: 624 str. Formát: 20 x 24 cm
Jazyk: anglický ISBN: 0-02-174880-2
Väzba: viaz., tvrdý fól. karton Stav: stará - 1. (0 ks)
Cena: 90 Sk
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Popis: Besides the stories in the books are language activities, skill activities, and writing activities. A glossary and a section on “word work” on the end. The following is part of the Connections program philosophy as described in an OTHER edition --- Reading is a process, a skill, an art, and a responsibility. Developing thoughtful independent readers who choose to read and enjoy reading is the goal of The MacMillan Reading Program: Connections. To meet that goal, the program focuses on helping students and teachers make connections for learning, vital links that translate current reading theory into workable teaching and learning practices..... From folk literature to modern classics to content-area reading, the literature in Connections was chosen to capture the interest of the students, to broaden their literary tastes, and to motivate them to continue reading... Reading is only one part of the communication process. Fluency in speaking and listening form the language base for reading and writing sucess in Connections. The reading/ writing connection is firmly established in theory and suggestions for making it a reality are provided in each lesson at every grade level of the program.
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